problems, pespectives

2001, Volume 1, Issue 1, p. 38-41

C. Faust

 Psychosomatic Medicine

Translated by A. Begiashvili, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center, Tbilisi


Psychosomatics as an academic subject and independent field of medicine originated in 1970. There is a lack of literature in Georgian regarding this trend, therefore we consider it important to present the Georgian version of some chapters of the famous psychiatric handbook by C. Faust, the German psychiatrist. In this handbook the ethiopathogenesis of psychosomatic diseases is considered from a psychodynamic angle. In the first edition an account of the psychosomatic cardiovascular diseases as published: heart infarction and heart neurosis. In both cases such important issues as psychopathology, psychosomatic ethiopathogenesis, and psychosomatic therapy are described in details.
