AMSI & Collegium Basilea


The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry


Paper Number (assigned by the Publisher):

The Work (title and brief description of the paper or other contribution submitted):




The Author (name and address):




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1. In consideration of the AMSI and Collegium Basilea evaluating the Work for publication by the AMSI and Collegium Basilea (and publishing the Work if it so decides) the Owner grants to the AMSI and Collegium Basilea the exclusive right and licence throughout the world to edit, adapt, translate, reproduce and publish the Work in all formats, in all media and by all means (whether now existing or in future devised). Such licence is for the full term of copyright in the Work throughout the world (including all renewals, extensions and reversions). Such licence is freely transferable by the AMSI and Collegium Basilea and includes the right to sub-license.

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Signed: .......................................................... Name: .......................................... Date: ..................