The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry



Volume 18, Number 4, pp. 164-166




An appraisal of the UK Health Protection Agency's document "The Impact on Health of Emissions to Air from Municipal Waste Incinerators"

Jeremy J. Ramsden

Clore Laboratory, the University of Buckingham, MK18 1EG, UK

This document is examined for the soundness of its statements, both in the context of the epoch in which it was written (anno 2009) and in the light of subsequently gained knowledge. The document strives to promote the idea that the impact is low or even negligible. This matched then-current government policy. It is doubtful whether it was scientifically justifiable even at that time; subsequent advances make it even less so, and meanwhile government policy has changed accordingly, making assertions of its continuing validity untenable.

Keywords: cognitive deficits, inhalation, nanoparticles, number, particles, size, strategy


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