The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry



Volume 15, Number 4, pp. 181–185




Current-dependent inactivation of the cation-selective ion channels formed by peroxiredoxin-6 in lipid bilayers

P.A. Grigoriev1 and G.C. Holt2

1Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciencies, 142290 Pushchino, Moscow region
2Collegium Basilea (Institute of Advanced Study), 4053 Basle, Switzerland

We show that inactivation of cluster ion channels formed by the antioxidant peroxiredoxin-6 in lipid bilayers is controlled by the amplitude of the ion current. Single ion channels of the oligomer channels cluster including up to 10 monochannels start to close within several seconds after onset of the membrane voltage if the current is above 40–50 pA per single channel of a cluster comprising up to ten mono-ion channels. Solution of the heat transfer equation for the experimental condition confirms the proposition that the observed inactivation is heat-dependent.



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