The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry


Volume 12, Number 4


pp. 131-132

Whole body hyperthermia and the phenomenon of temperature homeostasis in the rat brain
N. Mitagvaria, J. Bicher, M. Devdariani, L. Davlianidze, M. Nebieridze pp. 133–137 Abstract

Disturbances in neurogenesis of the rat brain cortical and subcortical limbic structures during foetal alcohol syndrome development and their correction with zinc
I. Svanidze, D. Museridze, E. Didimova, T. Sanikidze, L. Gegenava and N. Gvinadze pp. 138–144 Abstract

Cell secretion: a paradigm shift in our understanding
L.L. Anderson pp. 145–147 Abstract

Effect of chronic hypokinetic stress on the structure of axo-dendritic synapses in the central nucleus of the amygdala of the rat: an electron microscopic investigation
M.G. Zhvania, N.J. Japaridze, M. Ksovreli, M. Kiladze, V. Okuneva, A. Surmava, T. Lordkipanidze and N. Kotaria pp. 148–151 Abstract

Integrin thyroid hormone receptor and fisetin regulate the nuclear translocation of FoxO6
N. Natsvlishvili, T. Barbakadze and D. Mikeladze pp. 152–154 Abstract

Action of thyroid hormones and fisetin on the activation of ERK and Akt protein kinases in PC12 cells
T. Barbakadze, N. Natsvlishvili and D. Mikeladze pp. 155–157 Abstract

Does manganese excess induce the mouse-killing behaviour in initially nonaggressive rats?
I.L. Lazrishvili, T.Z. Bikashvili, L. Gelazonia and V. Okuneva pp. 158–160 Abstract

Altered Mycobacterium tuberculosis under an AFM tip
G. Zhavnerko, P. Farnia and N. Poleschuk pp. 161–167 Abstract

The study of monocytes and their submembrane structures by atomic force microscopy
S.N. Pleskova, E.N. Aybeke, E.E. Pudovkina, E. Bourillot and E. Lesniewska pp. 168–173 Abstract

Pain as memory: neuroplasticity of central sensitization as a therapeutic target
M.G. Tsagareli pp. 174–181 Abstract

p. 183
