The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry



Volume 19, Number 3/4, pp. 61-67




Vector magnetic hysteresis characteristics of electrical steel sheet

Masato Enokizono,1 Daisuke Wakabayashi2 and Yuichiro Kai3

1 Vector Magnetic Characteristic Technical Laboratory, 533 Joi, Usa, 879-0442, Japan

2 Nippon Bunri University, 1727 Ichigi, Oita, 870-0397, Japan

3 Kagoshima University, 1-21-40 Korimoto, Kagoshima, 890-0065, Japan

This paper describes the new expression of vector magnetic hysteresis loop characteristic of arbitrary direction. The conventional magnetic hysteresis loop characteristic was limited to the case of the magnetic flux density vector B parallel to the magnetic field strength vector H, which can be named scalar characteristic. The vector magnetic hysteresis can be expressed as the θBH-|B|-|H| characteristic. θBH is the spatial difference in phase angle between B and H.

Keywords: arbitrary direction, core loss, electrical steel sheet, vector magnetic characteristic


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