The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry



Volume 23, Number 2/3, pp. 81-88




Anatomy of an occupational hazard: Cabin air contamination in the air transportation industry Part 5. Carbon monoxide—how it forms in aircraft engines

J.M. Lind


This paper outlines the production of carbon monoxide in jet aircraft. Given that CO is a product of incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material, the obvious sources would appear to be the gas turbines—the main engines and the auxiliary power unit. Nevertheless, leakage of CO from the planned combustion of jet fuel in its chamber seems unlikely. On the other hand the route from turbine lubricating oil into the bleed air pressurizing the flight deck and passenger cabin is already established. We look in detail at the lubricating system. High temperatures, otherwise harsh conditions and the not infrequent occurrence of transient fires within the sumps favour the production of CO from the oil.


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