The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry



Volume 24, Number 2, pp. 59-69




Modeling the behaviour of composite materials for aviation from macro- to micro-scales; diamond grinding under extreme conditions

A.G. Mamalis,1 V.A. Fedorovich,2 G. Lisachuk,3 R.V. Kryvobok,3 D.V. Romashov,2 Y.V. Ostroverkh,2 A.Yu. Vasyliev4 and V.V. Voloshchuk3

1Project Centre for Nanotechnology and Advanced Engineering, Athens, Greece
2M.F. Semko Department of Integrated Engineering Techniques, National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3Department of Chemical Technology of Refractory Nonmetallic and Silicate Materials, National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3Department of TMM and CAD, National Technical University “Kharkov Polytechnic Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukrai

This review article focuses on two areas: the behaviour of aviation and rocket nose fairings made of radiotransparent ceramic materials of celsian composition; and the processing of superhard materials. Superior thermal stability and mechanical strength are the most important criteria when choosing materials subjected to high thermomechanical loads—as in aerospace and advanced materials processing. In both these areas, calculation methods for composite materials are based on discretized solutions of continuum mechanics equations. They can be found using finite element methods (FEM). An expert system was developed to assist in determining rational design parameters and optimal conditions for tool manufacture and use.

Keywords: aerospace, ceramics, diamond wheel, expert system, finite-element method, high-speed grinding, methodology, simulations, thermomechanical loads


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