The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry


Volume 16, Number 1


pp. 3-7 PDF

p. 8

Glyphosate pathways to modern diseases V: Amino acid analogue of glycine in diverse proteins
A. Samsel and S. Seneff pp. 9–46 Abstract, PDF

Revisiting red blood cell heterogeneity, membrane molecules and surface charge changes in normal, anaemic and thalassaemic red blood cells for blood microsample test development
J.N. Mehrishi and A. Risso pp. 47–64 Abstract, Supplementary Information

The influence of porphyrins ZnTOEPyP4 and MnTOEPyP4 on the binding mode and Conformation of A-RNA
J. Monaselidze, Sh. Gogichaishvili, M. Gorgoshidze, V. Bregadze, M. Kiladze, D. Khachidze, N. Gogelia, E. Lomidze and Sh. Barbakadze pp. 65–69 Abstract

Diamond biocompatible coatings for medical implants
V.V. Starikov, S.L Starikova, A.G. Mamalis and S.N. Lavrynenko pp. 70-74 Abstract


Has science gone bad?
K. Pelechrinis pp. 75-78 Abstract

Guidelines for authors
pp. 79–81

Guidelines for illustrations
p. 82
