The Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry


Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 31-35

N-glycosylation of aminobenzoic acids by galactose and rhamnose

R. Kublashvili1, M. Labartkava1, and D. Ugrekhelidze2

1 Department of Chemistry, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 0128 Tbilisi, Georgia
2 Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, David Agmashenebeli Allée 10 km, 0159 Tbilisi, Georgia

The nitrogenase activity of associative microorganisms, isolated from different types of Georgian soils and plant rhizospheres, has been studied. It has been established that nitrogenase activity is higher in mixed cultures than in monoculture. The influence of various associations on growth, development and productivity of the maize variety “Ajametis tetri” has been examined. It was found that maize seed inoculation with associative nitrogen fixing microorganisms results in maize growth stimulation with a productivity growth of 17–63% and an increase in total seed protein of 13–18%. Thus associative nitrogen fixing micro¬organisms from Georgian endemic strains can be used as biofertilizers for the stimulation of the growth and productivity of local cereal plants.

Keywords: associative nitrogen fixation, maize, mixed cultures, nitrogen fixers, nitrogenase activity

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